Archive for September, 2023

Music Inspires the Soul

Last night I went to the Paris Philharmonic Orchestra and the music was so moving, so inspiring. At times, I found myself closing my eyes to fully immerse myself in the experience and let my ears tune into the story they were telling. It was truly inspirational. This morning, I […]

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Flashback to Monet

I took this picture on February 5, 2023 at the Philadelphia Art Museum. This is what I wrote that day after seeing his work: “I’m drunk off the art, standing in front of a Monet painting, and eyes watering from the disbelief that I am standing in front of a […]

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Dreaming of Victory

I took inspiration from “The Winged Victory of Samothrace” in the Louvre Museum. She called to my soul. She represents the Nike Goddess which symbolizes Victory. Sent down by Zeus himself to aid in securing victory in a battle. On her boat, she is wet from the ocean spray. Wings […]

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Things I’m Grateful For

1. Angels in Disguise 2. Homemade Onigri 3. My Welcoming Friends in Paris 4. Cough Drops 5. Comfortable Birkenstocks 6. Laundromat 7. The opportunity to go abroad for a month 8. Myself 9. Family 10. Friends 10. Talking to my Grandma *in no particular order* Much Love, Cindy

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Fate Determined by Faith

Today has been a day filled with much inspiration, From the Saint Chapelle’s tear-invoking beauty, full of sacredness, color, and peace. To Concierge’s map hunting for the virtual “treasure”, where those walls once confined Marie Antoinette in her final days. Such a stark contrast, to where you can now buy […]

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Thoughts from Today

What a lovely day filled with photography— I did a photoshoot this morning and then walked around the city to take cool pictures. In combination with trying my first ever croissant in France (absolutely delicious), along with a delicious dinner of escargots with mashed potatoes and pieces of beef (I […]

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Photography Inspiration

Photographed by Elliot Erwitt I felt so inspired by Elliot Erwitt’s photography exhibition at Musee Maillol. “ ‘I don’t use colour in my personal work. Colour is for professional use.’ He obviously prefers black and white because, he says, it captures the ‘essence’ of subject matter, whereas colour merely describes […]

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My thoughts

Today I woke up and felt my soul was hungry, For nature, For art, For movement. I had originally planned to do a photoshoot this morning but decided to sleep in a bit as I felt a cold coming on. But I felt like I was still wrapped up in […]

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Whirling past the stratosphere, That is my universe, I try to grab it tightly, Tell it to “take it slow”, But it looks back at me and whispers, “Child, I must do things in my own way, and so must you. Both our parallels can hold true at the same […]

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“ I just felt my heart splitting open wide from the sheer intensity of happiness it felt, Spilling out of my heart was a waterfall running right into the sea.” -Cindy Garza

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Go with the F L O W

Easier said than done! Stomach in knots, As I returned my rental car, Checked in my bag, And waited in line to get help for my missing one. And yet in each situation, The outcome of assurance prevailed. I got the car back in time and fueled up, finally checked […]

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Water is my Peace

I would like to follow up with last night’s post on protecting and nurturing my peace. Today’s excursions were not really planned at all, after straining my knee from the day before I couldn’t really do many intense hikes today so I had planned to see Dunvegan Castle and maybe […]

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Peace within my Soul

“A candle of peace burning inside my soul” Reporting to you live from Isle of Skye, feeling so aligned and at peace in my heart and soul from being surrounded and immersed in this breathtaking environment. I can’t help but feel already sad to leave it so soon. It’s crazy, […]

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A loose translation of this text is: I know that the seed cannot grow in life, but in death. What does it mean to die in life? To quite literally become disconnected with a version of yourself and walk away from it. To outgrow something in life that no longer […]

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What is art mean to me?

It’s about capturing the essence of the divine; whether that be love, joy, happiness, sadness, despair, fierceness. It does not always have to be formal, or some dressed up thing either, because life is not formal or ever curated… It just is. With Love, Cindy

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