Lately, I’ve been feeling like my heart is feeling heavy and overwhelmed from so much death or death having loomed over loved ones and strangers.
My heart aches for some comfort, it aches for an unrealistic promise that death will stop. That the pain derived from loss will be no more.
I have gotten to know death intimately this year, and it’s left a mark in my heart. I let my feelings transport me to another dimension within my aching heart. Explored the crevices and cracks caused from this year. Acknowledged and allowed the feelings to flow through them like a river, carrying it’s essence into them. Slowly filling them up, like a mountain with hundreds of layers, subtly whispering its story.
Something I’ve learned is that death should not be processed alone–the heart’s not meant to deal with that pain alone.
If you are feeling sad about a loss in your life, in whatever form it took place or however long ago it happened, you are not alone. You are loved, and you are cherished.
They say that rain is a symbolism for a new chapter, a death of an old one and birth of a new one. Perhaps each season brings its own version of rain–fall with falling leaves, winter with snow, summer with falling pollen.
Maybe, just like nature, we ourselves have many deaths in this lifetime, as we continue to evolve and change. Each past version of ourself is honored and mourned simultaneously. As our tears shed loving and thanking our past selves, the droplets land and nourish new versions of us, intertwining it with magic, love and hope.
Neuroplasticity has become a popular subject to talk and learn about, and something I can’t help but wonder is if our brains start creating new neural pathways as we deal with the loss of a loved one. Slowly but surely, it no longer feels shocking to you. Your brain is rewiring for you to *try* to grasp this new concept.
Blanketing old concepts,
Like snow,
As you walk on the untouched path,
Paving a new trail.
Not knowing what the future holds.
Does death have to be ominous? Or is there a light at the end of the tunnel?
So, where does this leave us? Wondering what we will do with our lives, as we are blessed with breath and life. What will your new adventure be? What will your new chapter be? How will you be brave to go on into the unknown? What excitements will you follow?

Blanketing old concepts,
Like snow,
As you walk on the untouched path,
Paving a new trail.
Not knowing what the future holds.
– Cindy garza