Someone recently told me that everything in life either takes or gives energy. For example, watching TV and being on the phone takes energy from us– makes us feel more tired. Whereas a tree can give us energy, making us feel more grounded. Similarly, people can also be the same– some being ones that take energy, other being ones that give energy.
In another perspective; I recently read Haruki Marukami’s latest book, Novelist as a Vocation. He talks about how writing a book requires energy from you, which after decades of being an author, can take a toll on the body. To combat any issues, he has disciplined himself to run everyday for one hour.
Exercising uses energy, but gives you tenfold of energy back in different ways such as: new neural pathways, mental health, physically becoming more fit.
A relationship takes energy so it can grow, nurture, and stand on its own.
A project or goal requires energy from you in order to evolve from an idea in the mind, to grow and blossom into a living, breathing reality in the world. Taking it from conceptual to very real.
A birth in a sense, of something new.
As we progress more into Spring, it’s good to reflect and pause on what I want to give energy to so that it can bloom into a field of wondrous flowers.
Sending Spring Love,
Cindy 💗