Very important note: I know there have been massive layoffs, and am in no way ignoring that or belittling it, or in any way suggesting that it’s not difficult or that we are not facing certain indicators of a recession. My message is to simply convey my observations.

The word and topic of recession has been thrown around a lot lately, is it happening? Are we in it? When will it be over? 

This morning I was scrolling through my email and received an email from The SoFi Daily, and saw that investors are waiting for Q3 earnings reports from Walmart, Target, and Home Depot for insight into consumer confidence. 

It brought me back to my, very brief, time in Wall Street and I remembered something that one of the partners had mentioned to me. It was while Brexit was in the air and investors weren’t sure if it would happen or not. (Side note: I ended up winning a bet with the office because I guessed they would leave, thank you very much). We were talking about the market and he explained to me that the numbers being reflected in the market were already factoring in peoples’ reactions’ in real time.

It made sense, because if you are an investor and you feel the market will go to hell, you likely won’t invest in that risky stock, unless you have that sort of appetite. 

My background is in Economics, and it reminded me of a cardinal rule my professors would always say: correlation is not causation. This is because there were too many variables to definitively explain why something was being affected.

While my background is in Economics, an interest of mine is to delve and explore different ways in which psychology, specifically fear-based mind and thoughts and love-based mind and thoughts can affect my life, our life as a collective.

While correlation may not be causation, what if correlation was instead all about psychology? Or at least a big part of it.

If we have fear about an upcoming or current recession, we will likely think twice about going to Target to buy the extra things that we may not need. If we don’t have fear, we likely won’t have to think twice about it, and just buy it. These decisions are being baked into the market, sending out ripples as indicators of what the everyday person thinks. 

While I am by no means an expert in this, I thought it was interesting to point out the connection I am seeing in how fear can really affect not just love, and our lives, but also ripple out into finance and the economy on a grand scale.

Okay, so what is correlation? Formally, it’s:



“a mutual relationship or connection between two or more things”

We’re always giving indicators to the world, based on the relationship between us, as a consumer, and the world, companies and investors. 

Want another example? 

I think we can all remember the toilet paper shortage of 2020, where our (understandable) fear was an indicator, and it took on a life of its own as it spread throughout the country. 

What’s my point? 

Our fear can impact and affect beyond just our own life and past that imaginary line into the rest of the world. 

My point is to bring that piece of awareness to you, to remind myself of this daily, so that we as a whole can have a positive impact in our own lives, in our community, and let that light ripple into the world. 

We are such powerful individuals, our minds can influence reality, and as a collective we can dramatically shift it. 

Thank you for coming to my TedTalk, we’ll be back next week for our regular special of whimsical celestial airy fairy content.

Cindy Garza 

Formerly, The Serene Sol 

P.S. Why the change in name? Because I no longer want to hide under a name that is not mine, however cool it is, I no longer want to use it as a shield to protect me and hide me from the world, I am showing up as myself, as my true authentic self.

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