In Mexico, there is a poisonous tree called Chechen, known to give you similar side effects of poison ivy but on a more intense level. Divinely, where there is a Chechen tree, there is always a Chaka tree nearby that actually helps to stop the chemical reaction of the poison.
When I first learned this, I was so comforted to see how nature can teach us that when something scary or bad is happening, there is hope nearby. It’s a matter of changing your perspective, however hard that may be, and finding the good nearby.
Kind of like nature, we all have two systems that run parallel through our body, a fear system and a divine love system. Both serving their own purpose.
I think in life, we are often deterred by what our fear thoughts tell us.
At what point do we allow ourselves to be hindered by our fear? The voice in our head that perhaps makes us doubt our potential, our gifts?
They say that you always remember the things you didn’t do, and they weigh more heavily than the things you did do.
What is something you’ve been wanting to do for a while but you keep stopping yourself?
This is your sign to do it, to follow love, to follow your authenticity, your excitement. To celebrate your life and make it worthwhile.
And maybe it starts with small steps, like changing your perspective: did I fill my happiness cup up today? Am I feeling like I brought myself enough happiness? If not, that’s okay!!
At least you’re aware, and can try again the next day. Maybe just think of a few things you’re grateful for from that day.
In the end, the optimist in me says, it all be okay. No matter what.