Easier said than done!

Stomach in knots,

As I returned my rental car,

Checked in my bag,

And waited in line to get help for my missing one.

And yet in each situation,

The outcome of assurance prevailed.

I got the car back in time and fueled up,

finally checked my bag in after a long line,

And had an angel of a person help me find my bag.

I am grateful to report that I am sitting here on my flight, on route to my beautiful home. I am grateful for the reminder to just r e l a x.

In thinking how the situation panned out, I know that my bag probably went missing so that I could delay my drive another day. Someone had told me there had been a bad rain storm the day before and maybe I wouldn’t be here to tell you how it all worked out.

I know I’ve said it before, but it’s really more of a reminder for myself, that everything happens for a reason. I don’t believe in coincidences, it’s for a r e a s o n.

On a side note, upon reflection, I realize that from now it might be good to have an itinerary on things I want to check off. The first half of my trip has been about being spontaneous while roaming around Paris (with the exception of the few guided tours I had booked).

While that has been great, I think a list of daily things to see will be a better guideline and I can leave room for spontaneity as well.

I want to make sure I maximize my time there.

With that, I bid you adieu. Much Love, Cindy

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