I sometimes worry that my inspirations will run dry, that one day I will no longer have new words to convey.

It’s a fear that’s stopped me dead in my tracks from posting consistently, like I am already giving up.

I was journaling this morning, something I’ve just recently started to resume again, and found new words of inspiration to write about on my blog.

I’ve realized that by journaling everyday, I not only am able to take care of myself emotionally but also find fresh words of inspiration for my blog.

It feels refreshing to post spontaneously, and what I’m feeling that very day. I have a volt of writings that have remained unpublished, there for me to use when I have no words or inspiration.

But I’ve found that, I actually don’t like that as much. While the words I wrote 10 months ago don’t fully resonate with where I am anymore, it doesn’t make them any less true from when I originally penned it from my heart.

I want this blog to be like living water, fresh flowing and moving everyday rather than stagnant.

No, it needs to breathe and be flowing, like the water under the tonali sun. With each wave on the sand bringing new inspiration or ideas to my mind— blessing me with shells of endless ideas.

Do not be afraid, my love, of running out of inspiration. For if you are out of inspiration, it means you are not living enough, not fully immersing yourself in life and all that can be.

I’m also experimenting by not adding a picture to the post, something I have religiously done since I, myself, am a visual person.

But, as I explore and experiment, I realize that it’s not always how we plan it to be. And balance, of any kind, is always a great thing.

Sending you much love and magical hope,

Cindy Garza

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