I saw a motivation quote the other day that read “Progress not Perfection”.
This has been a lesson that I have been working on for the last couple years, and so reading that really struck a chord in me.
Then on my run, I realized I passed two tests relating to this lesson. Traps that this vicious loop of perfect timing always play in my mind and want to be to play small or “wait”.
- I styled a cute running outfit and then on my run I thought, man, I should’ve saved this outfit for another day. But then I thought, nope. I’m wearing it today because today is a perfect day in of itself, so why wouldn’t I wear it? Then I felt this sudden positive glow come over me, helping to shift my mindset into a positive one.
- Then after my run, I felt so good! It was a great run, and perfect fall weather. I felt my heart and lungs improving with each run and workout I do. Then I thought, “it was a great progress day”. Genius!
I want to start calling my days progress days, rather than trying to achieve a perfect day.
Anyways, these two tests to this continued lesson really helped me overcome a barrier, and I knew I needed to share.
I hope this helps anyone dealing with the same lesson I am going through <3
Much Love,