A loose translation of this text is: I know that the seed cannot grow in life, but in death.
What does it mean to die in life?
To quite literally become disconnected with a version of yourself and walk away from it.
To outgrow something in life that no longer fuels your soul but rather fuels the reminder that that connection is now dead.
To live your life and grow to be something else entirely.
To metamorphosed into something else.
The little deaths in and throughout our lives.
Death is good right? It means and symbolizes we are willing to grow and live to be the change.
Death is inspiring as it gives us opportunity to start anew.
“Death is a friend,
Not a foe.
Unless you treat is as such.”
So, I welcome my many deaths as I plant seeds of hope, love, excitement, peace, and joy in my life.
With Love, Cindy