Post Tagged with: "hope"

Music Inspires the Soul

Last night I went to the Paris Philharmonic Orchestra and the music was so moving, so inspiring. At times, I found myself closing my eyes to fully immerse myself in the experience and let my ears tune into the story they were telling. It was truly inspirational. This morning, I […]

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A Blank Canvas

Lately I’ve been feeling like life is a blank canvas, painted by the brushstrokes of my wary steps forward, guided only by my intuition, held by my eternal optimistic faith. My optimistic faith does not mean I don’t question, get frustrated, or avoid anger and judgment, quite the contrary, after […]

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The Yellow Chapter

I felt my life shifting out of a dark space,  And into a new chapter in my life,  A yellow chapter,  The color calling to me, showing up everyday, To remind me that great things are happening and coming,  As I rise from my ashes, I am aligning with my […]

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