Post Tagged with: "life lesson"


In a phase of experimenting and trying new things… “Learn the secret of the sea? Only those who brave its dangers Comprehend its mystery!” -Henry Wadsworth Longfellow X, Cindy

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Progress > Perfection; A Continued Lesson

I saw a motivation quote the other day that read “Progress not Perfection”. This has been a lesson that I have been working on for the last couple years, and so reading that really struck a chord in me. Then on my run, I realized I passed two tests relating […]

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A Blank Canvas

Lately I’ve been feeling like life is a blank canvas, painted by the brushstrokes of my wary steps forward, guided only by my intuition, held by my eternal optimistic faith. My optimistic faith does not mean I don’t question, get frustrated, or avoid anger and judgment, quite the contrary, after […]

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Visions Colliding

At one point or another, we all experience something devastating. Something so big that it shocks us to the core, so much so that our body and minds simply refuse to accept it or is able to process it. Nobody is promised a painless life. We aren’t even promised a […]

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