It’s been a little over a year since losing my Dad. 

And what a year it’s been. 

I think sometimes words can’t express the full extent of what lies in our hearts… 

So, I wrote a short song, titled When Hope is Lost, in an attempt to convey the rawness and vulnerability of my emotions over the last year. 

It’s not all musically correct, but that’s the thing about expressing our creativity, our beauty— sometimes it’s beyond rules, beyond expectations, beyond anything anyone else has done. 

Isn’t that how history is made? 

Measure One & Two: I like how high pitched the notes are. It reminds me of when you get bad news that shocks you to your core, and all you can hear is ringing in your ears. 

Measure Four & Five: The numbness is starting to fade; sadness and confusion kick in. 

Measure Six, Seven, & Eight: I’m angry at my Dad, for leaving us so soon. 

Measure Nine & Ten: When emotions feel so heavy and you don’t know if there’s an end— a light, a hope, in sight. 

Measure Eleven, Twelve, Thirteen: The light at the end of the tunnel, the healing, you start to find reasons to laugh. You find hope, finally, and welcome it with open arms. Crying tears that form a river— you look into the water and no longer see the same person you once were before. 

Measure Fourteen, Fifteen, & Sixteen: You are stronger. 



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