As I kayaked deep out to sea,
the sound of people behind me quieted,
I no longer heard anyone.
Just the ocean and I,
in a deep silence,
except for the waves of self doubt crashing around me.
The ocean told me of its power,
of its depth, of its magic.
I looked down and saw patches of seaweed below me,
and beautiful blue waters beyond that.
I knew the ocean was reflecting my doubts back to me,
and I had to find a way to get beyond them, so I could free myself.
I am scared,
of the waves,
of falling,
of failing,
of being misunderstood,
of being seen as the outcast, as I have so many times in my life.
These thoughts are contracting me, making everything seem limited.
And yet, around me;
waves are expanding, and flowing.
Which path will you choose, the sea asked.
I choose courage to be myself, and share my gifts,
and live beyond my self doubts.