I think sometimes life happens and we get knocked down by it, it’s easy to get into that mindset of “why is this happening to me.”
So I am going to try and offer you a different perspective to look at it!
What if, instead, you saw it as your existence is a miracle and you are magic.
Since you are a miracle, you have a direct source to Divine Love. Know that you are always being held and supported by Spirit, Guardian Angels, Ancestors, Universe, God. (However you want to resonate with these terms) You are being guided to something that is even bigger and greater than you could’ve ever imagined. Sometimes, we think we know what is best for us and we try to force that to happen, which can lead to rock bottoms. We can be stubborn and want to make it work the way we want.
The problem with that is that we are human and have limited capacities. The Universe can see things from the grand scheme of things, and is trying to guide us to where we are meant to be. A place and a path that will lead us to a happiness we never knew possible, a happiness that humbles us to the core because it’s beyond any expectations we ever had.
It has to be for the better that things didn’t work out when it didn’t, that is the only way and reason that it didn’t. So, next time something doesn’t work out like you thought it would, trust that it is truly for the best and for the ideal.
Sometimes it requires patience and trust that everything is coming together and coming our way. Just remind yourself that all the Universe wants for us is to be happy and to be joyful, of course greater things are coming!
In the meantime, follow your excitement and your joy! Fill your life with that joy and happiness, and you will see that more things start to come into your life more divinely and out of nowhere.
And one day, you are going to look back and be so humbled and grateful that everything else didn’t work out because you now know that this is what happiness really is. This is what life is about, where you are meant to be living and doing. Tears of gratitude roll down your cheek, knowing your beautiful existence is always on purpose, on your own divine time; always held by your Spirit, Angels, Ancestors, Universe.
So go out there and make your life as magical and as miraculous as you are!!
Two things that have really helped me lately are:
- Following my excitement and joy (big and small dreams): I am following it, sometimes blindly and not really knowing what I am doing, but I am figuring it out along the way. I am trusting that it is leading me to something amazing.
- Journaling: Whatever I have time for! Anytime I feel heavy emotions, I just journal my thoughts down, like a stream of conscious. Most times I end up seeing a different perspective that I couldn’t see earlier. I always feel better and lighter afterwards!
Side note: When you feel these heavy emotions, you have to find a way that works best for you to transmute those emotions into something lighter. If you think about it, when we don’t find a way to process and face these emotions, they start to bottle up and eventually they explode in the form of a mental breakdown or whatever it manifests into. You have to find a way that resonates with you on how to transmute your feelings.
Love and Support, Always! The Serene Sol